Coraloviy calciy

Coraloviy calciy

Coraloviy calciy

Forma vypuska:

№ 10


Порошок „Кораловий кальцій” у поєднанні з водою утворює Коралову Воду, яка є особливою через свій склад і виступає як:
• джерело легкозасвоюваних кальцію, магнію та інших мінеральних речовин;
• водоочищувальний агент від залишків хлору ат ін.токсичних речовин;
• гарант кислотно-лужної рівноваги в організмі;
• позитивно впливає на кісткову, серцево-судинну, нервову системи.


Mineral food additive "Pharmacy of nature®" CORAL CALCIUM

Packing: 10 pieces of 1,0 g filter bags.

Natural coral powder sourced from Okinawa (Japan).

Mineral contents:
calcium, magnesium, iron, chrome, manganese; sodium, zinc, iodine, copper, selenium.

Recommended for use as a source of digestible calcium, magnesium and other mineral substances and as the agent of water-purifying from the rests of chlorine and other toxic substances.
Mineral metabolism normalizer, positively influences bone, cardiovascular and nervous systems, has general strengthening effect.

Direction for use: place 1 filter bag in a glassware with non-carbonated liquid (water, compote, tea) for 5 minutes. Quantity of a liquid for a filter bag with 1g coral calcium is 1,0 – 1,5 l. To take one glass (200 ml) 2-3 times per day at mealtimes during a month. To repeat the course 2-3 times during a year.

Product is counter-indicative at individual intolerance to components.

Storage conditions: to keep filter bags at room temperature in a dry place protected from light, out of the reach of children. The water threated with coral calcium should be stored in the refrigerator in a densely closed glassware. Not to boil.